EnlightEVs Cluster

In this EnLightEV Cluster webinar, the innovative solutions that can be rapidly applied in the automotive market to reduce Electric Vehicles’ weight will be presented together with the research outcomes of the five projects. The webinar will bring together representatives of the five projects and sector experts to reflect on the latest development in the field and to define a common vocabulary for future discussions.

The webinar is jointly organised within the framework of the European Projects FLAMINGo, REVOLUTION, LEVIS, Alma and Fatigue4Light and will take place online on 06/06/2023 from 10:00 to 11:45 CEST.

 Agenda of the webinar:

Time Topic Presenter
10:00 – 10:10 Welcome & overview of EnLight EVs cluster   EnLight EVs
10:10 – 10:25 Lightweighting by Design:  essential skills, concepts and tools for the development of lightweight and sustainable automotive components   ALMA project
10:25 – 10:40 Circular economy, eco-design and life cycle assessment approaches to enhance sustainability of mobility solutions  Fatigue4Light project 
10:40 – 10:55 Skills requirements in Industry for the introduction of New Materials enabling sustainable mobility: the example of Aluminium Nano-composite  FLAMINGo project (Presenter: Mr Tose Petkov from Österreichisches Gießerei-Institut (OGI))
10:55 – 11:10 Building skills for sustainable lightweight materials and digitalization techniques development in the automotive Industry  REVOLUTION Project (Presenter: Mrs Andrea Martos from IDENER )
11:10 – 11:25 Enabling the industry to shift to sustainable mobility: Methods to make lightweight automotive components a reality  LEVIS Project  (Presenter: Clara Valero from ITAINNOVA and Guan Gong from RISE)
11:25 – 11:40 Final conclusions and Q&A
11.40 – 11.45 Closure, end of the session 

 There are only limited spots available for the webinar, register now to secure your participation!

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