
Having something radically more sustainable needs imagination and ALMA is creating the future of mobility through innovative, and sustainable hybrid material solutions. ALMA will decrease the environmental impacts of electric vehicles by reducing the weight of the structure, saving materials and energy, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. 

Reduce, re-use, recycle. ALMA is transforming the automotive sector from a linear to circular model considering recyclability early in the design phase and concocting creative end-of-life solutions at an affordable cost.   


ALMA believes in a product that is light, agile, and strong. ALMA is thinking out-of-the-box to change mobility. Its tangible results will change the industry on a holistic level. Its partners have different systems’ thinking approaches that are integrated into one dynamic project.   

Our Steps

Changing mobility for the better is a key factor in conserving the environment. ALMA is the catalyst in the automotive market to create a more affordable and sustainable vehicle for all. This is our approach. 

Work Package 1

Putting sustainability by first assessing environmental impacts and costs using a circular approach.
The project will begin with an assessment of the environmental aspects of the product from a circular perspective (Life Cycle Assessment-LCA) and accompanying cost considerations (Life Cycle Cost-LCC) that will serve as the guiding principle of the project. 

Work Package 2

Refining new, innovative material technologies.  

On the technical side, the project will deal with the finetuning of two existing material families suited for lightweight structural applications in road transport.  

Work Package 3

Design the most promising vehicle multi-material structure by presenting an affordable weight reduction with highest possible performance.  

The vehicle architecture and design will be evolved using eco-design principles towards a novel concept of a fully electric vehicle based on innovative multi-material structure culminating into reduced mass and lower environmental impact. 

Work Package 4

Develop new technologies and manufacturing methods to create efficient end-of-life solutions.  

The manufacturing process involved in the production of the novel components/subsystems will be optimized to increase reliability and structural integrity, including the development on innovative reversible assembly methods that will enable the efficient separation of materials at the end of life that is both cost-effective and sustainable. 

Work Package 1

Putting sustainability by first assessing environmental impacts and costs using a circular approach.
The project will begin with an assessment of the environmental aspects of the product from a circular perspective (Life Cycle Assessment-LCA) and accompanying cost considerations (Life Cycle Cost-LCC) that will serve as the guiding principle of the project. 

Work Package 2

Refining new, innovative material technologies.  

On the technical side, the project will deal with the finetuning of two existing material families suited for lightweight structural applications in road transport.  

Work Package 3

Design the most promising vehicle multi-material structure by presenting an affordable weight reduction with highest possible performance.  

The vehicle architecture and design will be evolved using eco-design principles towards a novel concept of a fully electric vehicle based on innovative multi-material structure culminating into reduced mass and lower environmental impact. 

Work Package 5

Verification of the structural integrity, reliability, and long-life service of the auto body structure.  

The developments in the previous steps will be supported by verifying the structural integrity, reliability, and long-life service of the multi-material body structure. 

Work Package 6

Methodical inspection to enable repair and re-use.  

An in-service inspection and monitoring system will be developed and tested in order to extend the options at the end-of-life to include the possibility to repair and reuse the vehicle structure. 

Work Package 4

Develop new technologies and manufacturing methods to create efficient end-of-life solutions.  

The manufacturing process involved in the production of the novel components/subsystems will be optimized to increase reliability and structural integrity, including the development on innovative reversible assembly methods that will enable the efficient separation of materials at the end-of-life that is both cost-effective and sustainable. 

Work Package 5

Verification of the structural integrity, reliability, and long-life service of the auto body structure.  

The developments in the previous steps will be supported by verifying the structural integrity, reliability, and long-life service of the multi-material body structure. 

Work Package 6

Methodical inspection to enable repair and re-use.  

An in-service inspection and monitoring system will be developed and tested in order to extend the options at the end-of-life to include the possibility to repair and reuse the vehicle structure. 

Work Package 7

Finding solutions for recycling and recovery.  

In compliance with the circular approach, possible solutions for recycling and recovery of the materials used will be assessed, identifying the most sustainable and economical routs for end-of-life recycling of the materials. 

Work Package 8

Circular demonstration & model-based characterization.  

Eventually a full virtual verification of the engineering approach and demonstration of the circular use in real deployment conditions will be performed evidencing that the project proposed strategy has reached an integrated and mature level. 

Work Package 9

Ensuring potential market uptake and raising awareness. 

 The team will conduct an economic and technology transfer assessment for an efficient and effective market uptake. The deliverables will be communicated and disseminated effectively to raise awareness and promote public awareness about the circular economy and its applicability in the project. Dissemination activities gives ALMA the opportunity to engage with other stakeholders for a greater result. 

Work Package 10

A well-organized, agile team.  

All these activities and partners will be efficiently coordinated and managed including efficient progress reporting, continuous updates to the work plan, data and risk management, and interaction with the European Commission. 

Work Package 7

Finding solutions for recycling and recovery.  

In compliance with the circular approach, possible solutions for recycling and recovery of the materials used will be assessed, identifying the most sustainable and economical routes for end-of-life recycling of the materials. 

Work Package 8

Circular demonstration & model-based characterization.  

Eventually a full virtual verification of the engineering approach and demonstration of the circular use in real deployment conditions will be performed evidencing that the project proposed strategy has reached an integrated and mature level. 

Work Package 9

Ensuring potential market uptake and raising awareness. 

 The team will conduct an economic and technology transfer assessment for an efficient and effective market uptake. The deliverables will be communicated and disseminated effectively to raise awareness and promote public awareness about the circular economy and its applicability in the project. Dissemination activities gives ALMA the opportunity to engage with other stakeholders for a greater result. 

Work Package 10

A well-organized, agile team.  

All these activities and partners will be efficiently coordinated and managed, including efficient progress reporting, continuous updates to the work plan, data and risk management, and interaction with the European Commission.